Tuesday 3 May 2011

And May has arrived

Well, May is here.

It's been a funny few weeks really. The school holidays, the Royal Wedding, The bank holidays and my son turning 2. All this seems to have led to me loosing my mojo. I confess it has been a couple of weeks since I've made anything. This is worrying really! I did so many fairs in April I think I've burnt out. I'm finding silly things  to use as excuses not to sit down to work. My latest one? The craft space is being reorganised and I can't do anything until it's all done...

How do I find it again? How do I tap into the motivation I need?

Well, my first port of call has been pinterest. I've seen it mentioned a couple of times but never really got what it was about. In the end, curiosity got the better of me and I took a peek. Wow, it's right up my street and as soon as my invitation got confirmed I spent 2 whole hours pinning stuff to my boards!

For those of you not in the Pinterest know, check out the site here Pinterest. The idea is simple, you have virtual pin boards which you can label yourself. You then add pictures of, well, anything! I have boards for inspiration, home ideas, quotes etc Such a simple idea, so very addictive! You can follow peoples boards and repin the things that they've found. It really is a great site. It's been great for inspiration too. I've seen so much that I'd like to try and it's proved a good stating point to get ideas growing.

I am hoping this is enough to get the old creative juices flowing again. Time will tell I guess. My little boy is settling well in nursery and that's giving me a full day to devote to getting this business up and running. The business admin side of things are ticking along nicely - I just wish the poduction side was as productive :)