Monday 28 March 2011

Apri Mayhem.....

* twirl * do you like the new look blog? I've been a bit clueless about blogging to be honest so I dedicated a morning to figuring it out over the weekend. It was an easy task in the end as I was pinned to the couch by a poorly toddler anyway. Thank goodness for laptops!

So I have a craft fair for the first 4 weeks in April. One is a whole weekend and on the Saturday I have to nip over to another fair to set up a small table too! I think I need some sort of clone of myself! Luckily, I have a very lovely sister in law who is willing to help!

I'm frantically planning stock to take and will be so so busy over the next 4 weeks. I'm also supposed to be sorting out the paperwork and financial side of the business this week. I don't know where I'll find the time for that!

I have been working with some old jeans that couldn't be rescued - The ideas seemed endless but I've settled on a couple of canvases and possibly a patchwork style cushion. It's been fun and I'll pop some pictures up when I get a chance.

I've been making button badges too. They are soo cute and I want to keep everyone I've made so far. I think I might make my first tutorial about them - it's a nice simple project to start with.

I have also been painting some pegs! I found lots of magnetic strips in a recent rummage and I've been wondering what to do with hem. I have no idea where they came from but the same can be said for most of my crafty stash! I can never throw anything away. I decided to make some magnetic pegs for holding pictures and memos on the fridge. They are another nice simple project. I might get my daughter Bee involved too! She's always very keen to help and its lovely to do stuff together.

Monday 14 March 2011

A busy couple of months.....

I have 2 new bookings for fairs! That will mean 3 in April alone. I'll be at the local cornerstone Market on Saturday 2nd April, an Easter Fayre at a nursery on the 16th and back at the Worthing Pavilion on the 24 th.

I'm really excited that this is all taking off now. I just have to keep steady with the crafting so that I don't end up with a mad rush in the final few days - I'm not keen to relive that again!

I've been planning some new things to try and in particular a few new things for children and babies. I'm excited by all the possibilities, oh how easily I am pleased.

So first things first, breaking in my sewing machine when it arrives home this week. What will I make first I wonder?

Sunday 13 March 2011

And we are off!

Wow! What a day - our very first craft fair and it went smoothly! I had a great day - completely exhausting but great!

It went really smoothly and I actually enjoyed myself too. I had some amazing feedback and everyone seemed really positive about my work. It felt a little uncomfortable getting the compliments but rather that then complaints.

I feel like the last week has been non-stop and I am sat with my feet up for a well earned rest. It's back to hectic toodler mayhem in the morning though! And I have a few other fairs lined up so I'll not be resting for too long.

I get my sewing machine back this week and have a long list of sewing projects I'm desperate to start!

I'll be back to post how my next few projects are going but right now I hear a warm bath calling.

You can check out the things I have left for sale on my facebook page

Tuesday 8 March 2011

4 days and counting....

So Sunday is fast approaching - eeekkkkk!

I have a stash of things ready to go to the craft fair but I am convinced it won't be enough and my table will look bare. It's a real concern that has me awake at night. On Sunday I woke up with the terrorising thought that the fair was just a week away. So at 6.15 am I simply reached out to a project I have on the go and started before I'd set one foot out of bed! I got 3 things done that morning and took more to finish when  went to my mums for the usual family lunch. I can chat and craft like a pro now!

I keep thinking that maybe I should cancel this one and do next months instead...... but I know that's just the anxiety talking so I'm standing firm and trying to soothe my frazzled nerves by lovingly stroking my finished work.

I'm going to a sewing workshop on Thursday. My sewing machine is at the shop being coaxed back to life and I'd like to learn a few basics for when it gets home. Consequently, my head is full of pretty pouches and beanbags and all sorts of soft toys! I can't wait!

I've worked on a lot of canvases this week. A new found inspiration for painting has been running wild. This is fairly new to me and the reasoning behind being called Random Loveliness - I do randomly fall from one type of craft to another. Wherever my inspiration runs I follow I suppose.

So a sneaky peek:

Ignore the random fluff under his eye!

Part of a canvas
Cotton and Felt Canvas
Hand sewn from curtain samples
Fabric scraps frame

Just a small selection of what I've been busy with this week. Despite the mild panic I am really enjoying myself.