Monday 28 March 2011

Apri Mayhem.....

* twirl * do you like the new look blog? I've been a bit clueless about blogging to be honest so I dedicated a morning to figuring it out over the weekend. It was an easy task in the end as I was pinned to the couch by a poorly toddler anyway. Thank goodness for laptops!

So I have a craft fair for the first 4 weeks in April. One is a whole weekend and on the Saturday I have to nip over to another fair to set up a small table too! I think I need some sort of clone of myself! Luckily, I have a very lovely sister in law who is willing to help!

I'm frantically planning stock to take and will be so so busy over the next 4 weeks. I'm also supposed to be sorting out the paperwork and financial side of the business this week. I don't know where I'll find the time for that!

I have been working with some old jeans that couldn't be rescued - The ideas seemed endless but I've settled on a couple of canvases and possibly a patchwork style cushion. It's been fun and I'll pop some pictures up when I get a chance.

I've been making button badges too. They are soo cute and I want to keep everyone I've made so far. I think I might make my first tutorial about them - it's a nice simple project to start with.

I have also been painting some pegs! I found lots of magnetic strips in a recent rummage and I've been wondering what to do with hem. I have no idea where they came from but the same can be said for most of my crafty stash! I can never throw anything away. I decided to make some magnetic pegs for holding pictures and memos on the fridge. They are another nice simple project. I might get my daughter Bee involved too! She's always very keen to help and its lovely to do stuff together.

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